Event Logo Image


Presenting Sponsor


  • Sponsorship level limited to 2
  • 10 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Logo and/or name recognition on all web, print, digital, and social media as “Presented By…”
  • Logo and/or name on event sponsor signage as “Presented By…”
  • Logo and/or name on front of event t-shirt as “Presented By…”
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 10 complimentary t-shirts and tasting glasses

5 Star Sponsor


  • 5 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Logo inclusion and name recognition prominently displayed on all web, print, digital, and social media
  • Logo and/or name prominently displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Logo and/or name prominently displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 5 complimentary t-shirts and tasting glasses

4 Star Sponsor


  • 4 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Logo and/or name recognition prominently displayed on all web, print, digital, and social media
  • Logo and/or name prominently displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Logo and/or name prominently displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 5 complimentary t-shirts and tasting glasses

3 Star Sponsor


  • 3 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Business name displayed on all web, print, digital, and social media
  • Business name prominently displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Business name prominently displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 3 complimentary t-shirts and tasting glasses

2 Star Sponsor


  • 2 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Business name displayed on all web, print, digital, and social media
  • Business name displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Business name displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 2 complimentary t-shirts and tasting glasses

1 Star Sponsor


  • 1 VIP complimentary VIP ticket
  • Business name displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Business name displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
  • 1 complimentary t-shirt and tasting glasses

    Sommelier Sponsor


  • Business name displayed on all event sponsor signage
  • Business name displayed on back of event t-shirt
  • Public announcement recognition during event
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor (10 included)
2 Remaining

5 Star Sponsor (5 included) $0.00

4 Star Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

3 Star Sponsor (3 included) $0.00

2 Star Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

1 Star Sponsor $0.00

Sommelier Sponsor $0.00
Registration opens: Monday, July 8, 2024
Registration closes: Thursday, October 10, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize The Connection Fund to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 Q Williams Taste of Middletown. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.